Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Upcoming Event: Sheep Shearing Fall 2009

We've been a bit behind on calling the shearer to schedule our fall shearing, with predicatble results: all Saturdays...indeed all weekends...are already booked.

Therefore, our fall shearing will be held on Monday, Sept. 21 beginning sometime around 10 or 10:30 a.m. It will be a small shearing, just two ewes and a handful of lambs. But we'll open our farm as always to anyone who wants to come join the fun or just watch.

There is always plenty to do on shearing day for volunteers, and it isn't hard work. Often child/parent teams work together on various tasks.

A bedsheet is weighed for each sheep. Then it's spread on the ground (to keep dirt off the wool), and the sheep is sheared on top of it. The wool is bundled up in the sheet, the sheet is tied, and the bundle is weighed to calculate the weight of the fleece. The bundles are stacked. A list is kept of all the fleeces and their weights.

Volunteers may also help shoo the sheep into the shearing pen.

With so few sheep being shorn, hopefully we'll go ahead and skirt the fleeces after the shearing.

There is plenty of off-street parking for this event, and the farm is especially green this September. Feel free to stay and picnic, or walk the wilderness trail.

Just don't forget the mosquito repellent!

For directions or more information, contact Natalya Lowther, 785-979-6786 or email natalyalowther@hotmail.com.

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